Screen goes black, dark souls 2 will launch Select Duplicate or monitor 2 (depending on your rig) Set your screen resolution to 720p (1280x720) This one is particularly useful if the HDMI trick or upscaling doesn't work. Change desktop resolution Another fix worth trying - start at a low res and then resize once the game starts.

Nvidia and cloning If you're cloning your laptop to your flatscreen TV, try disabling cloning/duplicate and use extend only (or whichever option is second screen only). Can be caused by a variety of things but usually a graphics issue. Dark Souls II has stopped working The classic Windows error message which immediately kills the game, kicking you out of your session. The point at which you switch to HDMI is vital, make sure you wait long enough for the game to load successfully before switching.

You won't see anything but wait a few seconds and plug HDMI back in. Then unplug the HDMI cable and press Enter to load the game. If you don't have the VGA cable, start the game in Steam.

Game crashes on startup - HDMI Problem Tests have revealed that in some cases trying to output to HDMI can cause the game to crash on startup, or not even start at all. This should force the game to use enhanced graphics rather than the onboard crap. Change the setting from Balanced to Performance. Open the graphics Control Panel (found either in the systray or right clicking the desktop) 4. Download the latest Intel driver for your graphics card: 2. Tearing, missing objects and laggy gameplay are all symptoms. Intel HD Graphics Particularly concerning the Intel HD Graphics 4000 series where graphics don't show up correctly. Tearing, black shapes and missing graphics.Game not working on dual monitors, TV's.Several problems currently exist, they are: Problems seem to be the usual suspects dual monitors, graphics drivers but ultimately a badly written game that wasn't ready for a PC release. It's early days and a fix will eventually be released but for now try these. If you're one of the unlucky players that's affected here's a list of graphics fixes that should help you get the game running. Dark Souls 2 is plagued with graphics problems, not to mention the countless controller problems.